The first savings appeared at the time when the ancestors of modern people introduced a system of mutual settlement for use - they made profitable deals with each other, exchanging food and tools. The first talismans were signs scratched or carved into stones, jewelry, and household items.

How and when does money charm appear?
In pre-Christian times, runes were widely used as magical charms. They also served as the writing system for ancient Germans and descendants of modern Danes, Norwegians, Icelanders and Swedes.
Today, runes are used exclusively for fortune telling and protection from all kinds of losses and shortages. To create money charms, the rune Feu (Fehu) is most often used, attracting wealth and prosperity.
In order for the amulet to "work", the symbolic image of Feu is applied to the safe, wallet or any item used in the work. The ancient Slavic talisman horse is no less popular.
What are their strengths?
Anyone can be confident in the power of runes that bring the energy of positive changes in the financial field or the acquisition of something beautiful. It is enough to draw the image of a certain rune on business cards, advertising brochures, and even on your own shoes.
Additional information.No less powerful energy source is the rune of destruction.
How do amulets and talismans work for financial well-being?

In order for the amulet to work, its energy must be tuned to the owner's "vital pulse". In moments of lack of money, money charms are activated, protecting the owner from poverty and stimulating his ability to earn the amount that allows him to "stay alive".
There are several ways to tune a handmade coin to the desired wavelength:
- put it under your pillow for a few nights;
- hold it between your palms and "heat" it with your breath;
- write or embroider your initials on the inside of the charm.
Save money on which to choose, type

Among the most famous charms for money, which are not made with your own hands, but can quickly increase the treasury of your home, it is worth highlighting the "money house" and "money magnet".
You can make your own money house, or you can arrange it in a beautiful box made of wood or plastic, trimmed on the inside with red or gold linen. Money must be saved by folding it according to denomination (first lower denomination bills, then larger ones). A note is placed on the money with a list of items that the household wants to buy as soon as possible.
A money magnet can be a piggy bank, a wallet or a bank account, where a tenth of the funds earned, received as a gift, won in the lottery, found, and so on "make friends". It is important to meet several conditions:
- banknotes must be of the same denomination;
- the number of bills must be a multiple of "10";
- No more than 40 banknotes should be kept in the money magnet, because exceeding the allowed amount leads to "demagnetization" of the charm.
For reference!In situations where it is not possible to meet the diversity rule, the money kept in the talisman is exchanged for bills of different denominations.
Why are homemade charms better than purchased ones?
A magical amulet made with your own hands does not need to be activated. In the process of working on its creation, its owner has "tamed" the magical object, charging it with its energy.
Amulets brought from the store or made by sellers from social networks are carriers of fragments of other people's energy, and therefore need to be cleaned and activated.
Today you can buy such things not only in stores. Some masters, having established themselves on social networks, conduct step-by-step master classes and are actively involved in the manufacture and sale of amulets to attract money (on social networks, before buying amulets, you can read reviews from other buyers) .
To clean purchased charms, simply place them under running water or hold them over a candle flame. The choice of method depends on the material.
Additional information.If the previous two cleaning methods are not acceptable, the purchased amulet can be left for a day on the windowsill accessible to sunlight and moonlight.
How to make a charm for money with your own hands at home
The main function of the monetary amulet is to protect the treasury of the house from thieves, damage to poverty and other negative manifestations aimed at reducing the material wealth of the owner. Talismans for money must be saturated with money energy, so ordinary coins can be the most powerful financial amulets.
The appropriate money should be selected first. Coins must meet any of the following criteria:
- Brought from abroad. The ideal option is a coin that the owner of the future talisman brought himself from a long journey.
- Antique or old. In any case, the charm coin must belong to an unused copy.
- Found on the street during a night walk under a "growing" Moon. This option is considered one of the most effective, because money is rarely on the road for a long time.
- Plain metal dollars. After completing the ritual, a simple dollar will turn into an irredeemable one.
Making your own money charm is easy. Below are some ways to create such items.
Attention!It is advisable to say a magical mantra after reading the prayer "Our Father" or "May God rise again. "
How to make a charm for money

Rituals are performed at midnight, on the night of the full moon. To make a talisman, you need a small round mirror (for example, from powder compact) and a coin. You need to open the window or, if the weather is bad, just open the curtains and put a coin on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the moon's rays and reflected in the mirror located here on the windowsill.
After fulfilling all the conditions, the initiator of the ritual utters the conspiracy:
Magic items should be left on the windowsill until morning. In the morning, you need to hide the mirror, and put the coin, which has turned into a charm to attract money, into your wallet.
You should always carry money with you, but never use it in business. While the amulet is in the wallet, there will be no money transfer.
Talismans are made of nuts and coins
To carry out the ceremony, you will need a large walnut, a green wax candle and a small coin. All the action takes place at night, on the shining Moon. Apart from the initiator of the ceremony, there should be no one else in the house.
After cracking the nut until the shell is divided into two equal parts, the initiator of the ritual completely cleans the shell of its contents and places a coin in one of them. Fill the second half of the shell with wax from the green wax so that after putting the parts together you get a whole nut with a coin inside.
Important!The amulet is kept in the house, in the place where the money is kept.
Charms are made of coins and green thread
Handmade money charms do not need to be kept in a wallet or savings bank. The purpose of the next ceremony is to attract wealth to the house. To make a charm, you need coins and natural green thread.
The ritual is performed during the waxing moon. Taking the coin in his hand, the ritual initiate slowly wound a thread around it, gradually forming a ball. When spinning a thread, you must either imagine yourself already rich, or read any money plot.
You need to make a loop from the end of the thread, secure the thread so that the ball does not come loose. The amulet hangs from a loop inside the house, above the front door.
Fiat Dollars
To carry out the ritual, you need a metal dollar and any of the items mentioned above in the previous ritual description (each of which is suitable for making irreplaceable charms). You can also use the following magic recipe.
In addition to the dollar bill, you will need a green candle. After waiting for the period of the waxing moon, the initiator of the ceremony lights it with a match and pours slowly dripping wax onto the coin that lies in front of him on the table. The coin should be completely "hidden" under the candle.
After waiting for the amulet to dry, you need to squeeze it three times in your palm and say:
The irredeemable dollar, lying in the depths of the owner's wallet, can only be touched by its creator. It is advised that a separate compartment of the wallet be reserved for charms.
Tips and suggestions from esoteric experts

To activate the money house built in the box, the owner of the talisman must periodically pick up the box and give free rein to his imagination, imagining that he already has everything he dreams of. After dreaming, close the box, say to the money: "Multiply. "
Desired items will begin to appear in the house by themselves. Money "staying" in the house can be spent no earlier than a year.
Attention!It is advised that the contents of the talisman be spent on purchasing household appliances.
From time to time, you can refill the box with new money and update notes, add to the list and delete from it items that have appeared in the house.
The money magnet starts working when the number of bills reaches 20. When the number of bills of the same denomination reaches 40, the owner of the magnet has to exchange it for a higher denomination note.
The money located in the magnet should not be spent on trifles or divided into two wallets. Savings can be spent, but on something global - a house, apartment or car.
Esoterics do not recommend keeping a $50 bill at home, considering it a harbinger of doom. A 20 dollar bill can share their energy with someone, helping to earn more, and a 10 dollar bill attracts a similar bill. It is not recommended to keep a pack with an odd number of banknotes.